Goat Rocks & Moose Meadows

This territory takes in some spectacular country including a few high mountain lakes that can be utilized via float plane. The territory has a great cross-section of game, as well as a good representation of each species. There is a moose and goat quota for a portion of the territory with the remainder open to general season. Populations and size of both moose and goat are healthy with the opportunity to make this a profitable business. There is a Park Use Permit in place for Monkman Provincial Park and the Park is fly in or trail access only (horse or by foot), which ensures very little to no resident hunting pressure. There is also good elk, bear, deer and cats to round out your season. The goats are part of what make this territory so appealing; goat hunts are one of the most affordable mountain hunts left on the market with values increasing every year. With the general open goat season in this area and stable populations you are able to capitalize on this opportunity.
This territory has good access in the lower reaches, and along the rivers, on the south and north ends of the territory via forest service road, however, it also has remote, backcountry access within the middle of the area. This allows ease of access to the territory boundaries, however, limits resident hunters within the territory itself. There are also multiple options for access to the more remote areas: floatplane, jet boat and trail (horse or by foot). There’s rivers to run (or float), a few decent lakes (some in alpine) to land and horse trails established. There’s even a small spike camp at one of the high alpine lakes which you can utilize for goat hunts. The bit of logging that has taken place in the lower reaches of the area has provided better habitat for moose and the advent of higher populations of elk.
Last, but definitely not least, there is a main camp on the southwest end of the territory accessible only by boat via the Herrick River, ensuring your privacy. The beauty here is that the camp is directly across the river from the forest service road, so access is as simple as using a small boat or canoe to shuttle clients and supplies across the river. The main camp is made up of a few cabins and tent frames providing all you need in a nice setting along a quiet back channel.
This territory has not been run on any scale for some time now, making it fresh for the new owner coming in. Bring your ambition and ideas to make this territory exceptional once again.
Monkman Provincial Park:
Monkman Park, nestled in the Hart Ranges of the Central Rocky Mountains and Foothills, covers 62,867 hectares of diverse natural landscapes encompassing extensive alpine meadows, jagged mountain peaks, forested valleys, thundering waterfalls and clear alpine lakes.
Monkman Park was established in 1981. An additional 22,000 hectares were added in 2001 to protect the Limestone Lakes and Upper Fontiniko Creek Valley areas. This addition protects old-growth spruce forests, unique geological formations and important recreation.
The park has a diverse water system that includes the Murray and Monkman drainages. Scenic rapids, waterfalls, streams and lakes all contribute to the dramatic visual impact of the landscape.
Main Camp:
Base cabin with kitchen and dining (seats 12). Outfitter sleeping quarters addition (sleeps 4).
Log cabin sleeps 6
7 tent frame platforms
2 warm water shower stalls
Dug water well
Spike Camp:
Cabin (sleeps 4)