Sutherland River Territory
Here is a territory that is central in the province which may just be right for you. This territory takes in parts of Sutherland River Park and Protected Area which ensures your habitat stays intact and limits access.
This outfit has good moose, black bear, deer and even elk populations, as well as a few cats and wolves through the rest of the season. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but cats, even little cats, and wolves are turning into gold. It’s a win-win situation; take a wolf or two and you’ll save an ungulate or three. And the elk season here just opened with a promising future. The elk have been moving into this area for some time extending their range. There’s no quota and with an open season you have good opportunity.
One of the best parts of this territory is the hideaway camp. The camp is in a beautiful setting within the Park. You can drive within a couple of kilometers, although the only access right into camp is through an ATV or UTV trail. The camp is in an isolated location where you can enjoy the peace and quiet and operate your business out of a secure location. Camp itself is comfortable with a log cookhouse, several log cabins and accessory buildings, as well as corrals. Horses, yes, for those of you who prefer the smell of equine rather than gasoline, there’s also several horse trails to hunt in that fashion. The Park itself does not allow motor vehicles, so you better be handy on a horse or willing to hike.
The Sutherland River is also one of those great rivers for Rainbow Trout, but hold on, the rainbow come up to eat the salmon eggs, and then in turn the bears come to eat the salmon. Just a natural progression to allow the outfitter the opportunity to hunt bears in their natural setting. Come spring, there’s lots of spring grass to attract bear as well.
This is just a super situation for either a couple of avid hunters to have their own little getaway with a great camp and quota every year or for a new guide wanting to get into the industry and run a successful, small operation.
Sutherland River Park and Protected Area
Sutherland River Park protects adjacent parcels of land along approximately 50 km of the Sutherland River and Babine Lake. It provides park visitors with a variety of river based recreation opportunities, and protects a river with important habitat for spawning fish and other wildlife.
Sutherland River Park and Protected Area is located at the east end of Babine Lake and encompasses a portion of the Sutherland River drainage. Most visitors access the park by boat via Babine Lake. Follow Babine Forest Service Road north from Burns Lake to access Babine Lake (Pendleton Bay or Pinkut Creek) or for land access to the Park.
Main Camp:
-1 Dovetail log cookhouse with wood cookstove that sleeps 2
-3 Dovetail log sleeping cabins
-Meat hanging shed
-2 Outhouses