Upper Arrow Lake Traplines

New Listing
70 kms SE of Revelstoke
960 sq. kms or 370 sq. miles
Game Species
Marten, Fisher, Muskrat, Ermine, Beaver, Mink, Lynx, Wolverine, Fox, Cougar, Wolf and Black Bear
Fish Species
Bull Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Lake Trout

Listing Realtor

(250) 870-3021
Area Data

Incommapleux Valley:

Known for its rich wildlife habitat and old-growth forests, the Incomappleux Valley is a biologically unique place in B.C. that will now be preserved by the Province.

Located in the remote wilderness southeast of Revelstoke, the new Incomappleux Conservancy spans more than 58,000 hectares and is part of B.C.’s rare inland temperate rainforest where some old-growth cedar and hemlock trees are estimated to be four metres (13 feet) in diameter and more than 1,000 years old. The forest supports more than 250 lichen species, including some that are new to science, and provides habitat for grizzly and black bears, as well as a variety of endangered fungal and plant species.


2014 Skidoo Summit 800 - low kms

33 - B110 Magnum Marten traps

3 - 300 Conifer traps

3 - 270 Conifer traps

12 - Marten stretching boards

3 - Muskrat stretching boards

Squirrel and Ermine stretching boards

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