Stone Sheep Classic

What can I say? I like this one. There are only so many great territories in British Columbia and this is one of them! This territory is located north of Prince George approximately 350km (225 miles) taking in the northwest side of Williston Lake. As with many of the northern areas it has a great cross-section of game, including Stone Sheep, Goat, Caribou, Elk, Moose, Black Bear, Wolf, and Lynx. Having such a cross-section of game provides diversity, as well as a long season which certainly allows ample opportunity for high gross revenues.
Not only do you have a nice cross-section of species, but you also have options in regard to access and hunting methods. This territory has two main camps, one main camp at lower elevation which is accessed either through road or plane with the second, upper main camp being accessed via horse or plane. The territory functions well with two main camps and allows year-round hunting with general ease out of the lower camp. On top of this, there are 7 outpost camps to ensure a comfortable base while on those hunts that are a bit farther from main camp. The outpost camps are split between being accessed via truck or horse.
The upper main camp is set on a mountain lake and is about the prettiest camp you will see. The camp looks out onto a majestic mountain scape. This camp is utilized for sheep, goat and moose hunts, although don’t forget about the fantastic fishing! It is accessed through wheel aircraft, floatplane or a day’s ride by horse. The camp itself is extensive and is one of the best outfitter camps in any of BC. The main lodge and cabins are log construction and the outbuildings are extensive with the equipment being more than adequate. Not to mention the 1,800 ft. grass strip.
The lower camp is well situated just off of one of the arms of Williston Lake and is fully equipped with several cabins. Out of this camp you have the ability to hunt year-round, although right now it is utilized for elk, moose, and bear for the most part. From this camp, you have a variety of ways to access the territory, including logging and mining roads, as well as horse trails.
This territory is currently being operated, although not to its full potential. This is a turn-key sale with clientele booked into 2026 and all of the equipment and horses included to hit the ground running. Owners would look at staying on for a transitional period.
Opportunities abound in this remote area. You have several ways to access the area and several ways to hunt. Not many territories come with a good quota for stone sheep, as well as an open season for goats, and as I am sure you know, both sheep and goat prices are at an all-time high and are continuing to rise steadily. This is the time to buy a top-rated territory with such a wide variety of trophy game. Don’t wait! Values on these territories never stop rising.
Main Lodge – sleeps 2 couples
2 - Log Guest Cabins – sleep 4 each
Shower Sauna house
Shower & flush toilet house
Guide Cabin, sleeps 8
Original cook house/storage, private bedroom
Fuel Shed
Tack Shed
Meat Shed
Firewood/storage shed
Hunter house w/double & single bed
Cook’s quarters
Quad Shed at airstrip
1800 Ft Grass Airstrip
Horse Corals
Boat/tool/storage Shed
Removable floating dock
Also, 3 outpost cabins accessible by horse:
Camp #1 – 16’ x 16’ cabin
Camp #2 – 12’ x 30’ cabin
Camp #3 – 12’ x 24’ cabin
Cook house – sleeps 1 couple and 1 single
3 Guest cabins – sleeps up to 8
1 Shower house
1 Storage with sleeping quarters for guides
1 Staff sleeping trailer for 2 people
1 Fuel Shed
1 Salt skinning/caping shed
Generator Shed w/ diesel tank
4 outpost cabins: 2 horseback in, 2 are drive in
West Camp – 2 Cabins
Swannell Camp – 2 Cabins & Tack Shed
Chase Mountain – 1 Cabin
River Camp – 1 Cabin
Extensive - email for details